Christmas Day 2019

Christmas Day is always a special day here at Northcote as our Chefs and catering staff provide a lovely Christmas meal for the residents.  Some of the staff really get into the Christmas spirit and dress in fancy dress whilst serving the meal.

During the Christmas meal Santa made a surprise appearance with a present for every resident, much to the amusement and delight of everyone.  We’re not quite sure how he got in as there are no chimneys here at Northcote!  Nevertheless, Santa is always welcome!

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones from everyone at Northcote Lodge.  We hope you have a happy and healthy New Year!  Come and visit our website again to catch up on forthcoming events throughout the year.




Christmas Eve

Calum MacDonald entertained residents, their relatives and staff to a medley of Christmas classics and other toe tapping songs in the Café area of Northcote Lodge on Christmas Eve, which is our annual Christmas party.  On offer were mince pies, bucks fizz, mulled wine and soft drinks.

Everyone joined in and had a great time, some of the staff and relatives took to the dance floor, young and old!  The ‘old’ later giving a dance demonstration of the ‘Slosh’! ?

The Christmas raffle was also drawn, there were a number of Christmas Hampers, plus chocolates, various bottles of wine and champagne to be won.  We managed to raise a whopping £709 which will go toward the creation of our Sensory Garden (the 1st phase of laying the slabs for our walkway is now complete).  As always a good time was had by all and everyone got into the Christmas spirit and ready for the following day – Christmas Day!

Guy Fawkes – 2019

‘Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

We see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot’


On Tuesday the 5th November we celebrated with our annual Fireworks evening.  It was fortunate that Tuesday was a dry, bright night.  Prior to the Fireworks display, residents and relatives were treated to a choice of hamburgers with cheese and relish, hotdogs and macaroni cheese, all washed down with hot chocolate with marshmallows to keep the cold night air out.

Our volunteers, (the 3 musketeers, Chris Livingston, Geoff Smith and Gordon Webster ?) expertly and safely gave the Fireworks display.  We were treated to all sorts of fireworks, some small, some large, some very loud, some very bright, which thrilled all our spectators for over half an hour.  All in all, it was a very enjoyable and successful night as the pictures below depict.  Roll on next year!


Jenny’s Donkeys – Cuthbert and McGrew

On Monday 14th October, the residents were treated to a visit by ‘Cuthbert and McGrew’, 2 lovely donkeys who live in Inverurie.  Thankfully it was a lovely autumn afternoon and the sun shone, which allowed the residents to go out into the garden to see them.

Their owners told us they are the best of friends and were actually bought as a ‘job lot’ as one wouldn’t come without the other!  They had been washed and groomed for their special visit and were looking splendid.  We were also told they were very gentle creatures and loved company and cuddles.  As you will see from the pictures, they were loving all the attention they were getting from the residents.


Jerry Lee Lewis Tribute Act

On Friday 23rd August, the residents were treated to an excellent ‘Jerry Lee Lewis’ Tribute Act.
The entertainer was a young man called Robin, who, for his young years, managed to emulate the Jerry Lee Lewis sound and songs perfectly!  He really did have us ‘rocking and rolling’ and some of our residents put the younger members of staff to shame with their dance routines!

A good time was definitely had by all and also proves that music definitely lifts the spirits and brings everyone together!

Annual Summer Gala 2019

We held our Annual Summer Gala on Saturday 10th August.  Thankfully it turned out to be a lovely day ? which allowed us to enjoy our barbeque outdoors, which is something of a miracle for a planned barbeque with our inclement Aberdeen weather!

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Our two chefs Dave and Miro provided delicious hamburgers with relish, hotdogs and macaroni and cheese, which could be washed down with soft drinks or a Bucks Fizz!

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Guests were welcomed to Northcote by the stirring sounds of the bagpipes and were later entertained in the café area by one of our regular entertainers, Bob Wilson, who sang a melody of songs which everyone could sing along to.

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There were a variety of stalls, with something for everyone, which included our famous Northcote home bakes, a flower stall, jewellery stall and a special ‘Resident’s Fun Stall’.  We also had a tombola and raffles with some fantastic prizes, the top prize being afternoon tea for 4 at the New Marcliffe Hotel.  We also had a ‘Kids Corner’ with bouncy castle and face painting!

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It was very well attended by residents, relatives and friends of Northcote and together we managed to raise a whopping £2,700!!  The money will go towards funding our ‘Sensory Garden Project’ which is still in the planning stage but promises to be a lovely area for our residents to explore and enjoy.

Daffodil Tea Event

Extremely pleased with the turnout for our annual Daffodil Tea event on Saturday, April the 1st. Everybody had a lovely time and nobody left empty handed as our homebakes are to die for! Looking forward to next year’s Daffodil Tea!

New Website – Live

We are pleased to announce that our new website is now up and running.

If you want to find out more about us and life at Northcote, continue to browse on this website.

About us and Meet the Team provides information about who we are as a charity and the people behind it.
Services and Facilities pages gives an overview of what our home has to offer for residents and family members.
Testimonials and Care Inspection Report reflects our high standard of care.